Job Posting Scam Alert

As we encourage you to explore and apply for career opportunities with Advantus Health Partners, it's important for us to share a vital message about potential fraudulent scams targeting job seekers.  Below are key points to keep in mind to safeguard your sensitive personal and financial information: 


Only apply for Advantus Health Partners jobs through our official careers website and never through any advertisements or links from unknown individuals. 


Be wary of job postings outside our official website that advertise unrealistic salary offers or individuals posing as representatives offering immediate job placement. Our recruitment process involves at least one interview (phone, in person or video).  


Advantus Health Partners will never ask for:  

  • Sensitive personal information outside of the job application or background check. 

  • Any financial contribution or commitment from a candidate at any stage of the process. 

  • Credit card, PayPal, banking, or other account information as part of a hiring stage. 


If you have encountered a scam, report the scam to the respective social media platform, block all communications from the sender to prevent further contact and inform your bank immediately if you provided any financial information.